Thursday, 7 February 2013

Sticky Leather Sky

The new fragrance that was developed as part of the Penning Perfumes project and unveiled at the Birmingham event last night can now be revealed.

Luckily Claire and I had similar images in mind

First I want to share with you the poem that was the inspiration for the fragrance, reproduced here with kind permission of the poet.

Listening to Charles Ives
by Claire Trévien

The street vainly imitates a theatre,
dropped pennies and reflectors footlight my walk
the rumble of a crowd gathers and storms.

Beats rain down and hide in the gutter,
rivulets form around the clutter
of the pavement’s percussion orchestra.


Sticky leather sky.

The air vibrates still
through drum-buildings.

I think of us listening to Charles Ives.
You heard cacophony, I heard the silence
after the tempest, when the bells

had ceased, but their ripples
reached to our seats like
the promise of a tomorrow.

Listening to Charles Ives appears in the collection Low Tide Lottery by Claire TrĂ©vien.

The fragrance takes its name from that striking central line - Sticky Leather Sky - it conjures such a clear image.  The fragrance was well received by the audience at the event so I'm planning on bringing it into the range as the first leathery fragrance from Pell Wall.  It will be available soon at Big Reds House, the art gallery in Whitchurch, Shropshire that showcases most of my range as well as some one-off creations alongside lots of other fascinating art work.  There will also be some for sale at the Craft Cafe in Newport Shropshire alongside all the standard Pell Wall range.

Sticky Leather Sky

Sticky Leather Sky opens with light, bright, familiar notes of bergamot that shade into fresh clean air heavy with damp.

There is a slightly metallic edge and a light woody background representing the orchestra while jasmine and orris recall the opulence of the Paris Opera.

The strong leather accord comes into play quickly and lasts and lasts providing a dominant, persistent theme.

The top notes and the leather base are a little uncomfortable with each other, just like the couple at the concert, who are discovering how different they are.

Can they stay together?

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