Tuesday, 24 April 2012

St George’s Day Fragrance

It’s the day after St George’s Day so I have a year to gather ideas, build a design and make it ready to release a fragrance for St George’s Day 2013.

This idea started when a friend of mine bemoaned the fact that St George’s Day isn’t much celebrated and wondered whether corporate sponsorship might change that . . . I rather flippantly asked if, failing a big corporation, a tiny one-man firm would do.

Soon we got to wondering what a dragon might smell like at which point I thought the discussion belonged here and made this post.
Ideas here please for what should go into a fragrance fit to celebrate England’s national saint?
Here is what we collected on Facebook:
In response to the question What do you suppose a dragon smells like?
Well they eat people, but also breath fire, so I guess things like brimstone, sulphur, ash, burnt wood :P

with thanks to Rob.  I’m not sure that’s a recipe for a best-selling fragrance yet, but it’s a start!

More from Facebook, this time it’s Kate with the good ideas:
something with the fragrance of a cox apple perhaps
rose and apple might just work
with english oak as a base if that's possible!
Me: Rose and apple I can certainly do - English Oak I’m pretty sure isn’t available as a natural oil, but I might well be able to create a convincing scent using other woods. Nice idea!
On the dragon idea - you could add something fiery or spicy
Me: I was thinking smoky, but I could also give it a touch of chilli - even a little of that tends to make everyone nearby sneeze though . . .
More feedback is being collected in this thread on Basenotes:


  1. how about english mustard for brimstone

  2. Good one, yes that might be very interesting.

  3. The thread on Basenotes that I started on this topic has generated some great feedback:


    I’ll add a summary of all that to this blog in due course.

  4. Hi Chris,
    As you read on my blog, the Oakwood absolute is sweet, woody and boozy. It may be able to play a part in your St George Day fragrance, I don't know. When I think about the subject, I focus more on heorism and faith rather than the literal dragon. Maybe churchy, woody, notes and some florals from your area?
