Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Sandalore and hair growth

Amazingly it was four years ago that I posted about then new research demonstrating that the sandalwood odourant known as Sandalore (a brand name belonging to Givaudan) could have beneficial effects in wound healing.

Now, the press (among others the Independent, Inverse and the Daily Mail) report that this same material can stimulate hair growth.  The research was originally published in Nature Communications where you’ll find a more sober assessment of the evidence.

Sandalore is a perfume ingredient not a medecine
At Pell Wall we sell Sandalore in small quantities and I suspect many buyers may be tempted to experiment on themselves or others with the material: if you’re not familiar with perfumery ingredients you need to know that this isn’t something you should be rubbing on your head (or anywhere else) in pure form.

All perfumery ingredients need appropriate dilution before they are safe for that kind of use and a typical cosmetic product scented with sandalwood will contain only a very small amount of perfume - perhaps 1% - 5% - and only a small proportion of that would be Sandalore.

So if you do plan to self-medicate with an ingredient like this, please proceed with caution and be aware that you do so entirely at your own risk: Pell Wall does not sell this or any material as a medicine or for any use other than as an ingredient in a perfume blended and diluted by a competent person.